One thing that Godly Play Germany excels at is providing continuing education for its teachers. Last week, I attended our annual Germany-wide Networking Day in Hildesheim, Germany where our theme was "The Progressive Educational Roots of Godly Play: Montessori, Cavalleti and Berryman". Here we compared and contrasted Godly Play with the basics of Montessori education and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, from which Godly Play developed. We asked ourselves how these traditions influenced Godly Play and what inspiration we can gain from both to further our Godly Play practice. Guest speakers included experts from each of the three traditions.
The absolute highlight for me was getting to experience lessons from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd firsthand. Benedikta Wunder and Deborah Presser-Velder, who head the German arm of CoGS (Katechese des Guten Hirtens), came to set up an atrium for us and present lessons. Although I have learned much from my on-line friends, Cheryl, Leslie and Storyteller, about CoGS, I still was unclear on how everything worked logistically in an atrium. (I don't have any pictures for you, because the two ladies asked us respectfully not to post pictures of the CoGS materials on the internet.)
I was struck by how present the Bible is in the CoGS lessons, and also by the more direct teaching style. In Godly Play, we speak of the Bible, but it is not often presented or seen in the presentations.
It was also interesting to see the emphasis on biblical geography in CoGS. Cavaletti believed that the person of Jesus should be rooted in geography in history, so that the children learn to distinguish Jesus from other figures in fairy tales or myths. A very smart idea indeed.
In another highly interesting workshop, we got to experience the three traditions in "trialogue", that is a Montessori Practical Life presentation, the Parable of the Great Pearl from CoGS, and the Parable of the Great Pearl from GP were all presented one after another. (Although the Montessori tradition has "cosmic stories", the text of which has strong similarities with the GP creation story, these are rarely told in Germany.) We were then able to immediately see similarities and differences.
All three traditions have these concepts in common (not an exhaustive list): respect for the child, periods of deep concentration, meaningful work, mentoring / accompanying the child, helping the child to help him/herself, presentations, freedom of movement and choice.
Montessori did not have time to specifically develop a concept for religious education, so this was left to her followers, of whom Sophia Cavalletti and Jerome Berryman are the third and fourth generation.
CoGS and Godly Play also have much in common. The curriculum is very similar, and the parable materials are both 2-D, although the CoGS figures are upright rather than laying down as in GP. Both are tactile and use creativity as a means of expressing spiritual thoughts.
Where the two differ (again, not an exhaustive list):
- Whereas CoGS is faithful to the idea of meaningful work for the children (Montessori argued that the children's work was their play) , GP takes that one step further and emphasizes imaginative play as a means to discovering God
- The Bible is much more present in CoGS lesson. Children are quoted scripture and the physical Bible is seen in the lessons.
- Biblical geography is taught directly in CoGS, whereas it is indirect in GP.
- Children have more choices to express creativity in a GP room with a wider range of artistic supplies.
- CoGS lessons are often presented to smaller groups of children, whereas the entire group hears a presentation in GP.
- GP lessons are based on scripts, whereas CoGS Catechists write their own albums. (I was told that these are looked over by a trainer, though, to make sure they are theologically correct.)
- CoGS requires 2 weeks of intensive daily training for each atrium level. The GP Core Training courses last 3-4 days, depending on the country in which the training takes place.
- Singing is incorporated into the CoGS lessons, whereas music is much-debated theme in GP.
At the end of the conference, I had an even deeper respect for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and was challenged to take some of its principles with me in order to enrich my GP practice. And I was convinced more than ever that Montessori principles are for every child.
What an amazing thing that these three groups could come together at a conference without any sense of competition and learn from one another! I will be pondering the things I observed and experienced here for some time to come.
For more history on how GP developed, see Jerome Berryman's book, The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play and the Future.
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The 1000-year-old St. Michael's Church and Monastery in Hildesheim, Germany where our conference took place. |
I was struck by how present the Bible is in the CoGS lessons, and also by the more direct teaching style. In Godly Play, we speak of the Bible, but it is not often presented or seen in the presentations.
It was also interesting to see the emphasis on biblical geography in CoGS. Cavaletti believed that the person of Jesus should be rooted in geography in history, so that the children learn to distinguish Jesus from other figures in fairy tales or myths. A very smart idea indeed.
In another highly interesting workshop, we got to experience the three traditions in "trialogue", that is a Montessori Practical Life presentation, the Parable of the Great Pearl from CoGS, and the Parable of the Great Pearl from GP were all presented one after another. (Although the Montessori tradition has "cosmic stories", the text of which has strong similarities with the GP creation story, these are rarely told in Germany.) We were then able to immediately see similarities and differences.
All three traditions have these concepts in common (not an exhaustive list): respect for the child, periods of deep concentration, meaningful work, mentoring / accompanying the child, helping the child to help him/herself, presentations, freedom of movement and choice.
Montessori did not have time to specifically develop a concept for religious education, so this was left to her followers, of whom Sophia Cavalletti and Jerome Berryman are the third and fourth generation.
CoGS and Godly Play also have much in common. The curriculum is very similar, and the parable materials are both 2-D, although the CoGS figures are upright rather than laying down as in GP. Both are tactile and use creativity as a means of expressing spiritual thoughts.
Where the two differ (again, not an exhaustive list):
- Whereas CoGS is faithful to the idea of meaningful work for the children (Montessori argued that the children's work was their play) , GP takes that one step further and emphasizes imaginative play as a means to discovering God
- The Bible is much more present in CoGS lesson. Children are quoted scripture and the physical Bible is seen in the lessons.
- Biblical geography is taught directly in CoGS, whereas it is indirect in GP.
- Children have more choices to express creativity in a GP room with a wider range of artistic supplies.
- CoGS lessons are often presented to smaller groups of children, whereas the entire group hears a presentation in GP.
- GP lessons are based on scripts, whereas CoGS Catechists write their own albums. (I was told that these are looked over by a trainer, though, to make sure they are theologically correct.)
- CoGS requires 2 weeks of intensive daily training for each atrium level. The GP Core Training courses last 3-4 days, depending on the country in which the training takes place.
- Singing is incorporated into the CoGS lessons, whereas music is much-debated theme in GP.
At the end of the conference, I had an even deeper respect for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and was challenged to take some of its principles with me in order to enrich my GP practice. And I was convinced more than ever that Montessori principles are for every child.
What an amazing thing that these three groups could come together at a conference without any sense of competition and learn from one another! I will be pondering the things I observed and experienced here for some time to come.
For more history on how GP developed, see Jerome Berryman's book, The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play and the Future.