Sunday, February 2, 2014

29 Faces Art Challenge Faces # 1 & 2

When I look through my sketch books, there seem to be two things that I unconsciously draw most often: trees and faces.

In my search to find inspiration for sketching, I came across the "29 Faces Art Challenge" hosted by Ayala Art. In honor of leap year, you are challenged to draw 29 faces during the month of February. The rules are simple: you draw any kind of face or facial feature, be it animal or human, and with any type of medium. Exactly the kind of challenge that I need.: )  While I have no illusions that I will actually be able to draw 29 faces, I'll have fun trying and stretch myself in the process.

Face # 1

For those interested in the creative process, I'll share how I ended up with this lovely lady. This is a mixed media work with watercolor, charcoal and chalk pastels. I seem unable to work with just one medium.: ) 

First, I started with a watercolor wash of red and yellow. Then, I add some sea salt in various places to create a crystal sort of effect.

Then, I sketched a woman from an internet photo, which I modified to avoid any potential copyright issues.

Next, I transferred the basic outline of my sketch into my spiral-bound sketchbook using a simple technique that I will share in a later post. I then began to fill in face, neck and shoulders with a brown watercolor wash. I added skin tones, hair and details with a charcoal pencil and chalk pastels. 

My 10-year-old son, who participated in "Sketchy Sunday" with me, also got excited about the project and made a quick self-portrait. It was awesome to see him looking in the mirror at himself and then sketching. Maybe between the two of us, we'll get 29 faces!

Face #2


  1. Sheila, I love the portrait you did! You challenge and encourage me to work on my own drawing skills!

    1. Thanks, Asmic! It helps that I have extra time this week due to the winter holidays from school.

  2. This is too good for others to miss. Your link didn't work. Maybe you have done it again further down the line. I am still at 91, trying to visit all of the entries. Your art work is fantastic and so is your budding artist son's. The system to get into the Mr. Linky thing seems complex to me and I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel each time. I hope you can get your link corrected.

  3. Sheila, here is what you do. Click on 29Faces, next to the word: labels on your post. Copy the address in the address bar. It will not have an html. Then enter that address into Mr. Linky and your link should work.

  4. Faye, Thank you so much for your encouragement and for letting me know that the link didn't work! I think I have it corrected by now with your help.

  5. This is excellent. What a beautiful background, I love how it shows through her skin. I love that your son got involved as well. He did a great job. You have an amazing talent!

  6. Love that first portrait. It works so well with the background and the beautiful warm colours.

  7. Your lady is just beautiful and I love it that your son is in on this project with you.

  8. I am so glad I hopped over here to see your first face! Very beautiful! Love your son's, too! I'll be dropping back by to see what you create.
    God bless,

  9. Wow, ladies! Thanks for all the wonderful encouragement! It's so unexpected these days where people don't comment on blogs much anymore. And all the more appreciated.: )

  10. I love the nose from the face on the bottom - your son seems to be very talented
    My daughter makes much better faces than I do( I must admit)... She always cavils about my non equal eyes on all my faces---

    -- I love the peaceful outcome of your piece - and I love to read and watch the inspiring process!

    Would be better you would turn off the "captcha" verification word -
    Martha has set a link how to do this on the blog....look there for help-
    it drives me crazy and costs much time to write this extra words...
    very glad to meet you and your talented son within this challenge.

    Greetings from Austria


    1. Thanks, Susi! Didn't realize that the captcha was on. I've turned it off now, so it should be easier.: )

  11. Thank you for sharing the process, love that face - I too have a problem with only one medium:)

  12. She is beautiful! Willowy and graceful

  13. Love both faces!!! It will be a blast checking in to see how the both of you are doing with this challenge. Love all the info on your process :)

  14. how much fun that you and your son will be participating together. i love seeing your process in this lovely painting. i appreciate your visit to my blog and for your sweet comment, sheila.

  15. The woman is lovely! Beautiful skin tones.

  16. Your drawing is beautiful. Thank you for sharing how it was done. I need to get out of my comfort zone and try methods like yours.

  17. beautiful portrait sheila! you inspire me!
