Monday, May 6, 2013

Sketching and Painting

Well, I am happy to report that there has been a lot of sketching and painting going on in my household the past couple of weeks. 

I love it when children do multiple projects on an idea that they constantly return to. My daughter is fascinated by houses and the rooms within a house. Typical for her age, but I was surprised when she worked several days on the painting below of a house. She named each room, who lived in it, and its purpose in the house. 

My Mom recently sent us the art book below. Usborne books are generally well-written, and this one is one of the best art books that I have seen. It has precipitated a whole slew of projects from my children.

Here is some of their work and all use techniques inspired from the Usborne book:

"A Dark Castle" - loosely based on Hogwarts from the 
Harry Potter series that my son is currently reading.


A pointillistic snake from my daughter:

My son made this painted, torn paper fish collage:

 And in my quest to keep drawing things that I don't usually draw, 
here are a couple of horses:

My daughter also drew a horse:

 And I've been working on a few spring trees from the perspective of looking upward: 

You'll probably see the spring trees later on this week in an art project that 
I will be doing with a group of children!

 . . . . . . 

Vielleicht errinert ihr euch, dass ich am Anfang des Jahres vorgenommen habe 10 Minuten jeden Tag zu zeichnen.: )  Ich bin froh zu berichten, dass nicht nur ich, sondern meine Kinder auch, haben in den letzten paar Wochen viele Kunstwerke gemacht. 

Meine Mutter schenkte den Kindern neulich ein schönes Buch mit vielen Anregungen und Ideen drin: The Usborne Book of Art Ideas. Sie haben seitdem nicht aufgehört Bilder zu malen. Ihr könnt oben ihre Meisterwerke anschauen.:)

Und ich schaffe es mehr und mehr zu zeichnen, auch wenn ich platt müde bin. Es tut mir gut mich so intensiv konzentrieren zu müssen und die Welt 'rum herum für einen Augenblick zu vergessen.: )

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