Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sneak Preview: St. Teresa of Avila

I'm still working my way through Godly Play Volume 7 which contains enrichment stories of the saints. There is a saint story for each month of the year, plus two introduction the saints stories, the story of the child's own saint, and the story of the child's life. Sixteen lessons in all and I'll have managed 4 this year. (At this rate, I'll be finished in four years!) We have one more "green" Sunday before Advent starts, so I am going to use it to tell the story of St. Teresa of Avila.

It is said that Teresa's The Interior Castle is a book that every Christian should read before they die. I am currently reading it on-line here.

I think that Teresa's story tells us much about how to find contentment in difficult situations. She lost her mother as a teenager and then became sick and bed-ridden as a young adult. Though her general condition improved, she was plagued by ill health the rest of her life. That did not, however, stop her from being a positive influence on others and being a joyful person. Experiencing friendship with her Creator helped Teresa come to terms with and make something wonderful out of the natural boundaries she faced.

 I've just finished a figure of her for the story. I think it turned out much better than the one I did of St. Elisabeth of Portugal.

I made the headwear for Teresa's habit with felt, but glued it onto black cardboard to help it keep its shape. 

We'll see what the kids say about it all on Sunday!

On another note, please keep adding your posts to the Exploring Advent and Christmas Link-Up!