
Friday, March 16, 2018

Lent with Older Children

My children are now much older than when I started this blog in 2010. Time does indeed fly, so much so that it makes my head spin! Our son is now 14 years old, and our daughter is 12. They are both an absolute delight, and honestly I wish I had been more like them at their ages. 

At any age, it is important for children to have a voice in family traditions, but as my children have grown older, it has become particularly important for them to help decide what will be meaningful for them. I want to be sensitive to the fact that they are older and changing and avoid anything that might be too childish for their tastes. 

Those of you who have been reading along for awhile are very familiar with our window sill in the kitchen. : ) This year, I asked the kids to pick out the things that they wanted on the table, and here is what they chose:

My son wanted the color purple and the cross puzzle. My daughter thought the cup with water was important. Both of them insisted on the "desert" with the People of God figures. I added the candle and the Celtic cross. It was very interesting for me to see what had been special to them over the years. 

On our kitchen table, we placed a white Easter candle surrounded by 6 purple tea lights for each week of Lent. After Easter, we will replace them with white tea lights for each week of Eastertide and a red tea light for Pentecost. My daughter also plans to decorate the Easter candle. 

Some other things we are doing for Lent:

- Reading through parts of the book of Daniel in the Old Testament together, and praying together afterwards. (Not a daily thing, but once or twice a week.)

- My daughter and I just finished book 7 of the Harry Potter series, and have been discussing its themes of Death & Resurrection

- We have set aside a sum of money for each family member, who will then decide on a charity to give it to. We have asked our children to do a bit of research to find out who or what they would like to give to. 

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